
Episode 1: Richard Hill - Jan 18th, 2020
The very first Lab(Oratory) Podcast Episode!
In this episode we interview Richard Hill, a Guest Investigator at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; and a Professor Emeritus at Michigan State University whose research focused on the biochemistry of tridacnid clams and reef corals. We talk about how he came to be a scientist, the aftermath of Sputnik, where in the world his research on coral reefs has taken him,the biology of giant clams, and his thoughts on how to communicate scientific research to non scientists.

Episode 2: Judith McDowell Pt. 1 - Jan 25th, 2020
In this episode we interview Judy McDowell, a Biologist and Scientist Emeritus with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, who furthered the studies of adaptations of marine animals in naturally fluctuating conditions and environmental disturbances. We talk about her experiences in Woods Hole at the Oceanographic Institution, her appreciation for Rachel Carson, and how she has studied and shaped Environmental Policies throughout her career.

Episode 3: Rene and Sam - Feb 1, 2020
In this episode Rene and Sam interview themselves! We wanted to take some time and formally introduce ourselves and explain a little bit more about where we come from and why we are creating this podcast. We talk about who we are, how we met, and interview each other with some super secret questions.

Episode 4: Judith McDowell Pt. 2 - Feb 8th, 2020
In this episode we wrap up our interview with Biologist and Scientist Emeritus Judy McDowell. We talk about her thoughts on research as well as women in science, how she and her family have balanced work and life, and her advice to up and coming scientists.

Episode 5: John Farrington - Feb 15th, 2020
In this episode we interview John Farrington, the Dean Emeritus from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution whose research focused on marine organic geochemistry, biogeochemistry of organic chemicals of environmental concern, and the interaction between science and policy. We talk about his serendipitous journey via Marie Curie towards working at WHOI, his world travels as the Chief Scientist on several scientific cruises, his thoughts on how he has seen his field change, and some creative ways he has seen the art world and the science world collide.

Episode 5.5: Ocean Sciences 2020 Update!
- Feb 19th, 2020
Just a little update episode where we recap where we are at halfway through the Ocean Sciences 2020 Meeting in San Diego. We are having a blast and learning so much! Thank you to all who have helped us get here and all who have engaged with the podcast thus far. Please keep in touch and stay tuned for a full episode featuring a variety of Ocean Sciences participants to come in the near future!

Episode 6: Olivia Masih White - Mar 2nd, 2020
In this episode we interview Olivia Masih White, a retired professor of biology and genetics from the University of North Texas. We discuss her journey of immigrating from India to the United States when she was 25, her circuitous path from seminary school to working in the medical field to pursuing her PhD in genetics, and her research regarding adults with Trisomy 21, commonly referred to as Down Syndrome.

Episode 7: Olivia Masih White Pt. 2
- Mar 2nd, 2020
In this episode we wrap up our interview with retired geneticist and biology professor, Dr. Olivia Masih White. We talk about her work with the Human Genome Project, her experiences with diversity in science, and her thoughts on religion and biology.

Episode 8: Dis-ease and Butterflies -
April 3rd, 2020
While we are currently experiencing COVID-19 social distancing, we decided to get creative. In this episode we dive into new territory for our podcast by exploring the histories of pandemics past and Maria Sibylla Merian. We talk about how the course of history has changed via the outbreak of disease and take a closer look at how the study of Entomology has evolved due to this dedicated artist scientist.

Episode 9: Dr. Helen Taussig and Misophonia -
April 10th, 2020
Week 2 of COVID-19 Podcasting! In this episode we draw from our own lives to take a closer look at the life and work of Dr. Helen Brooke Taussig as well as the maddening condition of Misophonia. We discuss the progress and precedent that has been set in the field of Pediatric Cardiology due to Dr. Taussig's perseverance as well as the advances towards understanding how specific trigger sounds can affect our brains.
Episode 10: Ocean Sciences 2020 Pt 1! -
April 18th, 2020

A Special LabOratory Episode Highlighting the 2020 AGU Ocean Sciences Conference! In this episode we feature interviews from a variety of participants at the Ocean Sciences 2020 Conference in San Diego. We interview a number of Artist/Scientists that attended the conference as well as a diverse group of individuals who represented a wide array of ocean based companies featured at the Exhibit Hall during the conference.
Introduction: David Helvarg of the Blue Frontier Campaign
Artist/Scientists: Laura Guertin, Fernanda X. Oyarzun, Drew Harvell, Tim Lueker
Exhibit Organizations: Sean Newsom - Shorebreak Tech, Jeanette McConnell - CAICE, David Dia - Alseamar, Katrina Hoffman - Prince William Sound Science Center

Episode 11: Ocean Sciences 2020 Pt. 2! -
April 27th, 2020
A Special LabOratory Episode Highlighting the 2020 AGU Ocean Sciences Conference! In this episode we feature interviews with a variety of scientists who presented posters at the Conference in San Diego. We talked to a range of researchers presenting their hard work via poster and learned a lot! From hurricane studies to tiny water bugs, there are numerous projects taking place to learn more about the world's waters so we wanted to see why so many people felt it was important to study this thing called the Ocean.
Episode 12: Dr. Richard Merrick Pt. 1 -
May 9th, 2020

In this episode we begin to interview Dr. Richard Merrick, a Scientist Emeritus with NOAA whose past research focused on technology development and marine mammals, including radio tagging and tracking Steller Sea Lions. We talk about how Richard pivoted from a career in architecture into being a scientist, how his scientific journey has taught him about how to camp and cope with long bouts of isolation, his thoughts on the importance of social scientists to communicate imminent information with the public in today's world, and his highly engaging story of the time he was stranded while doing field research in the Aleutian Islands.

Episode 13: Dr. Richard Merrick Pt. 2 -
May 18th, 2020
In this episode we wrap up our interview Dr. Richard Merrick, the Scientist Emeritus with NOAA. We talk about Richard's transition from field work into conservation policy work, his thoughts on how he has seen his field change over the course of his career, his advice towards up and coming scientists, and how he feels climate change will affect us in the future.
Episode 14: Dr. Mae Jemison & Dr. Marie Daly -
July 28th, 2020

Week ???? of COVID-19 Podcasting! In this episode we come back after a short hiatus to take a closer look at the life and work of two powerhouse scientists of color; the incomparable Dr. Mae Jemison, and the inimitable Dr. Marie Maynard Daly. We discuss the wide range of Dr. Jemison's work from engineer, to physician, to becoming the first black woman to travel into outer space as a NASA astronaut, all while maintaining out of this world performing skills. We also delve into the formidable life of Dr. Daly and how she was the first black woman to earn a Ph.D. in Chemistry and essentially laid the groundwork for the Human Genome Project with her research on histone proteins. Rene also teaches Sam a thing or two about nuclei separation methods and how through Dr. Daly’s work we now know about the 4 bases in DNA.

Episode 15: Dr. Gladys West & Dr. Antonia Novello -
August 5th, 2020
​Week ¿¿¿¿ of COVID-19 Podcasting! In this episode we dive the life and work of two notable Dr.'s of Science; the revolutionary Dr. Gladys West and the indomitable Dr. Antonia Novello. We discuss the herstory of the GPS and how Dr. West's passionate work contributed to its success, and how a childhood medical struggle led to Dr. Novello becoming the first woman, first person of color, and first Hispanic to serve as Surgeon General.

Episode 16: Garrett Morgan & Dr. Margaret Collins -
August 14th, 2020
Week ¿?¿? of COVID-19 Podcasting! In this episode we dive the life and work of two laudable contributors to science; the enterprising Garrett Morgan and the altruistic Dr. Margaret Collins. We discuss Garrett's story laden life and his ability to create and patent a swath of inventions, the most notable being ones that aid the safety of the human race. We also get deeply into the fortitude of Dr. Collins' life and aspirations working with both termites, education, and activism.

Episode 17: Political Science & Maria Goeppert Mayer - November 2nd, 2020
In this episode we wrap up 2020's All Saints Day and dive into the world of Political Science as well as the life of Maria Goeppert Mayer. We discuss the importance of participating in the great American Democracy Experiment, the effects of the 2020 election, and the impact that Maria had on the atomic bomb.